



We are proud to present “WhatsIn”-Pakistan’s first premium original exclusive content platform. With shows from all walks of life; from travel to food to discovering bazaars to daily horoscopes shows everything you’d want in an app. WHAT’S IN allows you to watch premium original content such as original shows, travel documentaries, bazaar shows and so much more. What’s In-app is known for its original, entertaining & thought-provoking content written by celebrated writers, starring popular celebrities. It is a pocket-friendly streaming platform that can be used anyplace, anywhere, & at any time right on your phone.Benefits of Subscription to What’s In’s Content:፠Watch all episodes in HD without interruptions or any commercial ads፠ Get amazing fresh and quality original content.፠ Watch any shows without limits፠ Very low prices with affordable packages.Entertainment Categories in the What’s In app include: Original Food Series; Pakistan’s Best Restaurants in which you’ll get to know about different restaurants; which rests are amazing, which restaurants you should try out and what dishes are recommended.Original Well Being Series; Stay fit is a series in which you’ll get to know all about working out different parts of the body for beginners as well as intermediate along with the type of equipment needed; warming up exercises, chest exercises, shoulder exercises, abs exercises and many more. Original Fashion Series; World of fashion is all about exploring fashion designers, how they came about, what made them become designers, their source of inspiration, and what their recommended outfits of the season. Original Shopping Series; Bazaar vibes a series in which you’ll be exploring different bazaars of various cities. Through this series you’ll find out which bazaar’s & shops to buy things from; from khussa’s to room grooming items to furniture everything that you might need in terms of shopping. Original Horoscope Series; Tarot card reading with Sana Humayun. A series in which you’ll get monthly and daily updates about your star; what you should watch out for, what is going in your favor & what you need to change In order to get the things you want from life. Original Arts & Interior Series; Home diaries has a series of amazingly built & decorated houses. This series canvases how the houses were built, what was the inspiration behind it, & what made them decorate it the way that they did giving people an idea on how to decorate their own homes.